Goran Lazarević comes from Serbia where he graduated classical accordion in the class of Prof. Radomir Tomić. In 2013 he moved to Hamburg where he did the contact studies in New Compositional Techniques with Prof. Helmut W.Erdmann and subsequently finished his MA in Multimedia Composition with Prof. Dr. Georg Hajdu and Prof. Dr. Manfred Stahnke.
His main spheres of interest lay in live-electronics, microtonal music, free improvisation and computer music, as well brain-computer musical interfaces (BCMI) and cognitive sciences. His works were performed in Germany, Austria, Vietnam and Serbia.
Apart from his own work as composer, performer and researcher, Goran Lazarević is a strong believer in the power of education, and is currently working as a project coordinator for the the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) at the University for Music and Drama in Hamburg (HfMT).
Goran is proud to be a member of “Ping Pong Rouge“ and “Oublie Loulou“ bands, the “Mīrārī Duo“ project, “Live-Elektronik-Ensemble Hamburg/Lüneburg“, and to have played with ensembles like Hamburger Camerata and TonArt and such artists as Matthias Kaul, Fred Frith, Rajesh Mehta, Manfred Stahnke, Michael Schröder, Alejandro Gomez, Henning Rietz, Martín Donoso Vera, Jelena Dabić, Mateo Ojeda, Dirk Schattner, Adnan Fathallah and others.